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发布时间:2021年02月28日 11:50 作者: 来源: 点击率:次





个人简介:2012年在西安理工大学机仪学院获得学士学位,随后进入东华大学攻读博士学位并于2018年获得工学博士;期间2014-2018于美国密西根大学吴贤铭制造研究中心进行访问学习。2019年03月入职中北大学。《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》期刊青年编委,SCI期刊Machine Tools and Manufacture, Journal of Machining Process, Wear, Material & Design, Computational Material Science, Precision Engineering等审稿人。






1.Y Liu, B Li, Y Zheng, AJ Shih (2017) Experiment and Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation of Debris Size in Grinding of Calcified Plaque in Atherectomy. CIRP - Annals Manufacturing Technology, 66:325–328.

2.Y Liu, B Li, L Kong (2018) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Silicon Carbide Nanoscale Material Removal Behavior. Ceramics international, 44(10): 11910-11913.

3.Y Liu, B Li, C Wu, L Kong, Y Zheng (2018) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Simulation and Experimental Analysis of SiC Ceramic Grinding Mechanism. Ceramics international, 44(11): 12194-12203.

4.Y Liu, B Li, L Kong (2018) A molecular dynamics investigation into nanoscale scratching mechanism of polycrystalline silicon carbide. Computational Materials Science, 148(1), 76–86.

5.Y Liu, B Li, C Wu, Y Zheng (2016) Simulation-based Evaluation of Surface Micro-cracks and Fracture Toughness in High-speed Grinding of Silicon Carbide Ceramics. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 86(1-4):799-808.

6.Y Liu, B Li, B Belmont, Y Wang, B Tai, J Holmes, AJ Shih (2017) Notched K-wire for Low Thermal Damage Bone Drilling. Medical Engineering & Physics, 45:25-33.

7.Y Liu, B Li, L Kong (2018) Atomistic Insights on the Nanoscale Single Grain Scratching Mechanism of Silicon carbide Ceramic based on Molecular Dynamics Simulations. AIP Advances, 8, 035109.

8.Y Liu, B Li, C Wu, L Kong (2018) Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Catheter Temperature in Atherectomy. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 38:523–533

9.Y Liu, Bi Li, L Kong, Y Liu, Y Zheng (2018). Experimental and Modeling Study of Temperature in Calcified Plaque Grinding. Advanced Manufacturing Technology,99(1), 1013-1021.

10.YLiu; YLiu; YZheng; B Li; A Shih (2019).Catheter thermal energy generation and temperature in rotational atherectomy, Medical Engineering & Physics, 70: 29~38.


1. 国家自然基金青年基金,纤维增韧陶瓷基复合材料磨削机理与高效低损伤磨削方法研究,2020.01-2022.12,在研,主持;

2. 先进制造技术山西省重点实验室开放基金,血管斑块差异切削砂轮研制,2020.07-2022.06,在研,主持

3. 山西省科技创新项目,新型动脉旋磨砂轮,2019.07-2021.07,在研,主持;

4. 企业委托项目,防爆发动机高性能排气歧管研制,2020.01-2021.04,在研,主持;

5. 企业委托项目,旋磨装置样机设计与关键部件制造,2020.06-2022.05,在研,主持

6. 企业委托项目,高温平板阀设计,2019.05-2021.04,在研,主持
